Our Service to Canada
Prairie Public Television (Manitoba), Inc. is the non-commercial, viewer supported PBS-member station watched by Canadians via cable and satellite.
We currently reach you through:
- Shaw Cable
- MTS Cable
Prairie Public listens to what our Canadian viewers and supporters tell us about the programs they like. In response, we have added British comedies and dramas to the lineup.
While broadcasts reach beyond U.S. borders into Canada, online video may be subject to geo-filtering, which restricts the areas in Canada that can view PBS content. The terms of our agreements with producers and distributors sometimes limits streaming ability for some PBS programs outside the United States, this includes some digital content distributed via Prairie Public | Passport.
Our largest concentrations of members are in Winnipeg, Brandon, Portage la Prairie, Selkirk, and Kenora.
No matter where you are, we are proud that Prairie Public is your choice for quality programming and that you find our 24-hour service worthy of your time and your support.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I'm from Canada, and I'd like to give the station a gift. Will I be charged in U.S. or Canadian funds?
A: If your address is in Canada, you will be charged in Canadian funds.
Q: I contributed during the last membership drive. How long will it be before I receive my thank-you gift(s)?
A: On the average, it takes about six to eight (6-8) weeks for you to receive your thank-you gift(s) (DVD, CDs, tote bags, etc.) after making a donation. By law, we must include a Customs Declaration, including a description of the gift and its fair market value. Please note you may be required to pay a duty upon arrival of the gift.
Q: I made a contribution to the station this year. How much of my donation is tax deductible?
A: Contributions to Prairie Public are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Your gift is deductible for the amount of your contribution minus the fair market value of any thank-you gift(s) you receive. Tax receipts are issued at the end of January for contributions made during the previous calendar year. All Canadian residents who contribute to Prairie Public will receive a tax receipt from Prairie Public Television (Manitoba), Inc. Please consult your tax adviser.
Prairie Public Television (Manitoba), Inc. Board of Directors
Judy Anderson (Winnipeg)
Sandra Holmberg (Winnipeg)
Jim Kotowich, Chair (Winnipeg, MB)
Ken Zealand, President of Prairie Public Television (Manitoba), Inc. (Winnipeg, MB)
If you are interested in serving, please send a letter of interest. For more information, contact us at 800-359-6900.
Contact us:
We welcome your feedback at 800-359-6900 or email info@prairiepublic.org.
Although we don't have an office space in Canada, you can send donations or write us at:
Prairie Public Television (Manitoba), Inc
PO Box 2640
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Charitable #: 119097913 RR0001
For sponsorship opportunities contact our business development representative, Mark Antonishin, located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Here’s a segment from the Prairie Public’s Documentary series “Built On Agriculture” that examines the role of agriculture as a critical part of every community. Teaching younger generations of consumers to realize how things in their everyday lives intersect with agriculture is an important lesson. So the classroom is a perfect place for school children to realize how food is produced.