PBS LearningMedia
Free, high-quality videos, lesson plans, and digital resources for you and your students.
Interactive Digital Media
Learn more about registering for Learn360 services through Prairie Public Education Services for a reduced rate.
Media Literacy Certification
Demonstrate your expertise in teaching PreK-12 students to think critically about their roles as media consumers and creators -- or in training teachers to do so.
Student Reporting Labs
Student Reporting Labs creates transformative educational experiences through video journalism that inspire youth to find their voice and engage with their communities. Watch this SRL video produced by ND students.
StoryCorps Connect
StoryCorps Connect is a first-of-its kind platform that enables you to record a StoryCorps interview with a loved one remotely using video conference technology.
North Dakota Studies
Prairie Public has a longstanding partnership with the State Historical Society of North Dakota for sharing historical and educational resources for ND teachers.
North Central Council for Educational Media Services (NCCEMS)
The NCCEMS provides guidance to the Education Services Department of Prairie Public, as mandated by the ND State Legislature.
Learn more about the Council here.
State Education Alignment
Prairie Public looks to partner on innovative education initiatives with the help of ND education information, news, and resources.